Streamlined fundraiser sign-ups and marketing

Automated Sign-ups | Email & Text Reminder Systems | Scheduling | Creatives Design | Mailers

Average Fundraiser Value


Increase in Annual Revenue


Funds Donated


What store owners say about working with Fundraiser Friend:

Shawna Willits, Menchie’s Franchisee for 14 years and 6 store locations

Working together with Tasha at Fundraiser Friend for all our fundraiser’s over the last 3 years has been a marketing win. We used to only do a few fundraisers a year that I always dreaded the amount of work I had to get the schools their materials and communicate back and forth the dates. Now all that upfront work is done with the schools, and includes confirming my crew is reminded the fundraiser will happen and prepares them for the extra busy night it will bring. The schools get to show up to a fun night for them that generates the store increased revenues.

Afterward I happily get the reminder to print the check back to the schools for our mutual benefit. Each year with the marketing fliers mailed to the schools we get new schools. It's so easy for the school to pick the date, get the marketing material, and show up for a fun night with their family and classmates and we have continued to generate the increase revenue because of these positive school relationships. I feel our new year over year growth could be attributed to our relationships with the schools.

What schools say about organizing a fundraiser with our clients:

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